
The Refuge on Mount Kanin

In the Slovenian mountains, there is a place where the gaze can cover, in a circle, Slovenia, Italy and the Adriatic Sea. Here, on top of a dizzyingly high rock, a refuge designed by the team of OFIS arhitekti was placed with great effort, with

Whitepod, Sustainable Igloos in the Swiss Alps

When we think of the Swiss Alps, the things that first come to mind are the dizzying heights and snow-covered ridges. Not necessarily igloos where you can wake up in the morning and contemplate nature with a coffee cup at your side. For the dreamers,

Alpine Charm – A Mountain Periscope Turned Towards the Landscape

Recent history shows that, besides the traffic congestions on Valea Prahovei, Sinaia risks becoming a repertoire of failure in house building. In contrast with the balance between the built and natural environment, which was emblematic for the town until the ‘90s, an aberrant, abundant invasion

Inspired by the Chinook Clouds: The Calgary Central Library

Designed by Snøhetta and DIALOG, the Calgary Central Library opens a new chapter in the life of the city of the future, based on creation, innovation, knowledge and culture. The building was inaugurated on November 1st, 2018 and is an extension of the existing library. The

5 Interaxes and 8 Bays – The Embassy of Kuwait

At the intersection of boulevards Mircea Eliade and Primăverii, an elegant white building captures our attention through its discretion and coherence. The low height, with three floors and a fourth recessed, is subtly configured in order to give the building an extraordinary dignity and a

Álvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira Are Building a Museum

The immense collection of the China Academy of Art – CAA – and the acquisition of many original works from the Bauhaus school dictated the creation of the China Design Museum of Bauhaus Collection. Architects Álvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira began to work on the

Tbilisi, Georgia: An Artistic Journey Between Tradition and Contemporary Glow

Words by Manuela Zipiși Photo: Courtesy of Communal Sololaki, 41°,Stamba Hotel, Manuela Zipiși   If you choose to visit Georgia, get ready for a voyage between worlds. The green of a still innocent and charismatic nature embraces a country whose ancient traditions such as wine and bread making are reasons of

Wine Stories | Inside Porto

The second-largest city of Portugal, Porto - or Oporto, in English - is an eclectic mix of architectural types spreading along abrupt slopes, linked by narrow cobbled streets and long, very long rows of stair walks: elegant churches, monumental buildings or row houses, either painted

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