The Dwelling on the Roof. The M + D House

“Translating a new way of living in the city – where space is limited and migration to rural areas or outside the historical center is substantial – is the approach of families in their thirties” - Martiat+Durnez architectes. The residential building designed by architect Joseph Bage

A Reopened Patio at the Rideau Theater

“Nowadays, people don’t go to the theater to participate in a “sacred act”, but come at any time of the day, for a multitude of activities. The cultural places are to become a natural extension of the houses of their audience” - Olivier Bastin, architect, president

Casa M+D. Locuinţa de pe acoperiş

„Traducerea unui mod nou de a trăi în oraș – când spațiul este limitat, iar migrația în mediul rural sau în afara centrului istoric este substanţială – reprezintă abordarea familiilor de treizeci de ani” - Martiat+Durnez architectes. Imobilul de locuinţe realizat de arh. Joseph Bage în

Patio redeschis la Teatrul Rideau

„Astăzi, oamenii nu mai merg la teatru pentru a participa la un «act sacru», ci vin în orice moment al zilei, pentru o multitudine de activități. Locurile culturale urmează să devină o prelungire firească a caselor publicului lor” - Olivier Bastin, arhitect, preşedinte Rideau. Majoritatea teatrelor

O nouă promenadă arhitecturală – pol cultural în Hala Perret

Construită în 1949, Hala Perret din comuna franceză Montataire face parte din inventarul general al patrimoniului cultural al regiunii Hautes de France şi este subiectul unui proiect de renovare, extindere şi transformare în pol cultural. Intervenţia arhitecturală se adaptează secţiunii caracteristice a construcţiei existente de tip

A Cultural Hub inside the Perret Hall

Built in 1949, the Perret Hall in the French commune of Montataire is part of the general inventory of the cultural heritage of the Hautes de France region and has recently been the subject of a project of renovation, expansion and transformation into a cultural

Modernist Heritage Given Back to the City – Génie Civil

The Val-Benoît ensemble of the University of Liège was built between 1930 and 1965 on the site of a former Cistercian abbey, partially destroyed in 1796 and totally by the bombings of the Second World War. The former Institute of Civil Engineering (Arch. Joseph Moutschen),

A Favorable Transformation. WILLOCX + LD2 + MAMOUT

The Charles Malis project is an architectural intervention that shows a deep respect to the existing elements, does not remove any of the essential elements and transforms an industrial structure into a local public administration facility. Thus, two of the buildings of the industrial ensemble on

Social Housing Inside the ARSENAL Hall

The rehabilitation of Industrial heritage buildings is a Europe-wide theme. Most of the factories, plants and industrial halls built in the 19th century are no longer in use, and their territory is reclaimed by the evolution of the cities. Buildings with s specific functional aesthetics,

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