
Cum să ai un weekend artistic în trei orașe și cinci evenimente

TEXT & FOTO: Manuela ZipișiMai este (încă) o lună care ne-a răsfățat cu evenimente artistice și culturale, iar vestea bună este că urmează un weekend în care terapia prin artă, în toate formele sale, ne poate scoate din case și letargie. În București, Timișoara ori

Ideal forms, circular ideas. La Bourse de Commerce

“Architecture as a hyphen between the past and the present, where heritage and contemporary creation converse”  (Tadao Ando). Inserting itself in the series of concentric circles - built and modified over almost three centuries, thus giving shape and consistency to the Bourse de Commerce area -

Pattern Paintings by Sydney Cash

During 2017, American artist Sydney Cash created a series of Pattern Paintings. These oil paintings on paper are bonded onto sheet aluminum, making the paper ultra-flat, and allowing edges to follow any line. "The year's exploration shifted from a rectangular format by introducing rounded corners, and

Patterns & Symmetries

We are taking a tour inside the palace of Alhambra - inside an original, special vision of Alhambra, as reflected by Margarida Sardinha, who documented this amazing piece of architecture and, then, turned it into a completely new visual story. As we take a look at

De Stijl: 100 Years After

The Mondrian House in Amersfoort, Netherlands, has been renovated to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the De Stijl art movement. Tinker imagineers created and produced the multimedia concept and a new design for the interior.

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